Oral History in Sacramento

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People have come from all over the world to settle in Sacramento. You probably know several people who have come to Sacramento from another state or country. The stories of the people who have settled here make up the unique history of Sacramento. In order to learn more about Sacramento immigrants, you will be conducting research about someone who came to Sacramento from another country. Then, you will consider the stories of others who have immigrated to California as you write about an immigrant's life experiences.

Activity One - Interviewing a Sacramento Immigrant

You may choose to interview a classmate, grandparent, neighbor, or other community member. Use the following steps to guide your research.


Sample Questions

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What is your ethnic background?
  3. What languages have you spoken and do you now speak?
  4. What is the primary language spoken in your home?
  5. Who immigrated with you? Did anyone stay behind?
  6. Why did you immigrate?
  7. When did you first arrive in Sacramento? How did you get here?
  8. What do you remember most about your arrival?
  9. Where in the Sacramento area did you settle? Why?
  10. With whom do you live? Do you live with other members of your family?
  11. Do you live near other families of the same ethnicity?
  12. Do you and/or your family maintain cultural traditions? If so, how?
  13. Do you feel that any of your cultural traditions have been lost? Which ones? How?
  14. What was your first job after you arrived? What was your job before you arrived?
  15. Do you belong to any organizations? Which ones and why?
  16. Do you receive communication (letters, newspapers, etc.) from your native country?
  17. Do you identify with a specific religion?
  18. What educational opportunities have you had? Are these opportunities the same or different from the opportunities your parents have had?
  19. What do you like most about living in the Sacramento area? What do you like least?

Activity Two - Biographical Research

Before you begin writing a biographical account of an immigrant's life, look for other biographical accounts. Use the accounts to decide what information is relevant for a biographical account.

Activity Three - Journal Writing for a Fictional Immigrant

Now that you have completed the interview process, you will need to apply what you have learned in writing a biographical journal entry for a fictional character who might have been a Sacramento immigrant similar to the person you interviewed.

Activity Four - Scrapbook

Consider the character you wrote about in the journal writing activity. Based on what you have learned, what things do you imagine this person has experienced in his or her life? Use the People of Sacramento software to create a scrapbook of some of the things you imagine the person may have seen and/or experienced in the past.

Activity Five - Reflection

Answer the following questions: Give complete essay answers.

View Teacher Notes

Lesson developed by Heidi Dettwiller, San Juan Unified School District